We are the Real Madrid Social Club.  This is a blog about the greatest futbol club of all time, Real Madrid Club de Futbol.

With that said, we represent a particularly hard-core segment of madridismomilitant Madridismo Please see our Manifesto for more details.  You’ll like it, we promise. (well, unless you’re a culerdo – and if you are, then you have bigger problems than hating our blog.)

We are called:

von Doom.  

The world’s greatest supervillain mad scientist, wannabe emperor of a piss-ant indeterminate Central European nation who refers to himself in the third person.  von Doom was a fan of Real Madrid from his earliest days; yet von Doom’s obsession with los merengues led von Doom to perpetrate one of the greatest frauds on the sporting world – getting everyone to believe Fernando Hierro was a human.  He wasn’t.  Hierro was actually a Doombot controlled by von Doom.  Has a fondness for bad-ass centrales with hops. Thinks Marca’s Eduardo Inda is secretly more metrosexual than CR7 and Beckham. Combined.  von Doom’s latest Doombot creation, Varane, was just fichado by his minions in Concha Espina.

el Maestro.

Madridismo runs deep with this one.  It’s in his DNA.  Mou’s secret weapon.  When Guardiola said that Mou was “el puto amo” he was wrong.  el Maestro is el puto amo of this s–t.

el Maestro is actually Mou’s behind-the-scenes tactical advisor and has the secret iPhone to prove it. Was the one who told Mou not to talk at the press conference last season.  Designed this season’s Madrid home jerseys and not only advised CR7 to pop his collar, but they also share the same barber.

Believes Leo Messi should have been cast as Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming Hobbit film and that Busquets should be named to the Spanish Olympic diving team.



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